FAQ with regards to issue of SVL Rights Share (April 1st to April 31st 2022)

01. How do I subscribe my SVL Rights Share?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Option 1: Subscribe online on your own by clicking on the link https://rsebl.org.bt/RightsSubscription.php and follow the instructions on the screen.
Option 2:
Call BOB Brokers at 77207417 / 17524272 / 17388740 and receive the one-to-one assistance.
Option 3:
Fill up the Subscription Forms and email it at tshering.wangmo2405@bob.bt, budha.gurung@bob.bt, tshering.namgay2928@bob.bt.
The forms can be downloaded from https://www.bob.bt/announcement-on-sherza-ventures-rights.... Follow up with the focal person until you receive the desired response.
Option 4:
Fill up the Subscription Forms and submit it in person to BOB Head Office in Thimphu and other BOB Branch Office in the respective Dzongkhags. Hand it over to the right focal person.
The forms can be downloaded from https://www.bob.bt/announcement-on-sherza-ventures-rights...

02. How do I know how many SVL shares I have till date?
Option 1
Call your main broker from which you had bought the shares. The contact details of all the brokers are available at www.rsebl.org.bt (click the broker tag at the bottom of the homepage).
Option 2
Call the focal person at Sherza Ventures Limited at 17626490 during office hours.
Option 3
If you are a user of mCAMS app, you will be able to view in your profile.

03. How many SVL Rights Share am I eligible for subscription ?

Since the SVL Rights Issue is in the ratio of 1:4 (one share for every four shares held previously), we can roughly get an estimate by dividing one’s existing number of shares by four.
However, the actual eligibility is already calculated by the system at RSEBL (Royal Securities Exchange of Bhutan Limited) and will be made known to you upon enquiry with BOB Brokers at 77207417 / 17524272 / 17388740.
If you are subscribing online at https://rsebl.org.bt/RightsSubscription.php on your own, the eligible number of shares will appear on the screen for you.

04. How do I know that I have successfully subscribed my Rights Share?

If you are subscribing through BOB Brokers over call or by email or in person, you will be acknowledged with a money receipt to assure that your subscription is completed successfully.
If you are subscribing online at https://rsebl.org.bt/RightsSubscription.php on your own, you will be prompted through payment gateway. You shall receive a confirmation email from RSEBL to indicate successful subscription.
Contact 17626490 for personal assistance.

05. When will I get the subscribed Rights Share?

The allotment of Rights Share will be executed on May 16th, 2022. Following that day, you may:
-Contact your main broker to check out whether your stock is updated.
-or Contact Sherza Ventrures Limted at 17626490 to check your new stock.
-or View your updated stock profile in your personal mCAMS App, if you are a registered user.
Both your main broker and officials at RSEBL will be able to help you with the registration of mCAMS and its usage.

06. How can I subscribe if I am currently living outside of Bhutan?

Although RSEBL has facilitated an online process for the ongoing SVL Rights Share subscription from April 1 to April 30, 2022, the payment can only be processed via Bank Accounts in Bhutan by OTP system (requiring registered Bhutanese Mobile Numbers).
Thus, the best way to go ahead is to have someone in Bhutan (a representative with a bank account and an active mobile number in Bhutan) to help you in your subscription. The representative must complete the subscription on your behalf.
No authorization document is required for the arrangement.
Make sure to collect the evidence of confirmation of subscription from your representative and read FAQ05 . For more information, contact +97517626490 by WhatsApp.

07. What are the options other than subscription of SVL Rights Share?

You purchase the Rights Share at the nominal price (which is usually lower than the market price) and increase your current stock.
After the subscription you may trade it off with the help of your broker at a higher market price and enjoy some profits or you held onto it a bit longer for better value in the future.
You may nominate a friend/relative to buy your Rights Share and keep it to themselves. For this, you need to call the BOB Brokers at 77207417 / 17524272 / 17388740 to facilitate the process.
You may renounce all your Rights Share to one nominee or distribute it in parts to more nominees. However, you cannot renounce more than your eligible number of Rights Share.
You decline both the opportunity to subscribe and to renounce. All the unsubscribed Rights Share resulting from forfeiting will go on for Open Public Bidding (auction).
The difference between the auction price and the rights issue price shall be paid to respective shareholders (the ones who have forfeited) through the executing broker.